In Reconnective Healing®,healing can take place on various levels. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual relief is a result of coming into deeper balance and connection with the intelligence of the universe. Transformation can take place on any or all of these levels. Clients most often initially note that area where the transformation was most prominent.
Many healings are reported to occur immediately, and many take place over the following days, weeks or even months. Since Reconnective Healing® is not used to "treat" any specific ailment or health challenge, the practitioner does not need to know what symptoms or problems the client has, and it is recommended that the client not tell the practitioner in advance. Many dramatic healings have taken place without the practitioner knowing what kind of healing the client seeks. Often the client may receive a different kind of healing than they originally hoped for.
A healing session ordinarily lasts for from 30-40 minutes, including a brief orientation and a debriefing after the session. The client remains fully clothed during the session, lying on his or her back on a massage table. Ordinarily the session takes place completely "hands off." You simply close your eyes, relax and notice your own experience.
Clients may experience a wide range of responses to the frequencies, including spontaneous movements of the body, various feelings of energy moving in the body: sensations of heat, cold, tingling; magnetic pulling; feeling of being touched, for example, as well as visual images, ideas or stimulation of other senses. These do not always happen. They are not indicative of healing taking place, which can happen without any of these responses. Healings can come in all forms, but it is not determined by the conscious will of either the practitioner or the client, so to simply remain in a state of open expectancy without any attachment to the outcome is the best way to allow healing to take place.
Besides relief of physical symptoms, healing from the Reconnective frequencies may also take the form of release of long-held fears or anxieties, insight into troubling issues, or improvement in relationships or other areas of life. Clients may also experience a feeling of calmness, connection to a higher force, or blissful emotions.