![]() In other words, do not own the diagnosis you have been given! This is absolutely crucial to your mental state and therefore your overall well-being. We've all heard that if you think positive thoughts you'll get positive results. But let's face it, when you don't have enough energy to get out of bed in the morning, coupled with feeling constantly guilty that you're not being the spouse/parent/child/friend that you'd like to be and resenting the fact that you're trapped in a body that won't perform as you'd like it to - it's brutally hard to be positive! Been there, done that! BUT it is so very important not to allow yourself to become your disease. Do not allow your disorder to become your identity - you are so much more!! Have you ever noticed that once a person has been diagnosed with an illness or disease that they start to look and act like they have that illness/disease? That's because they have allowed themselves to identify with that diagnosis. When my doctors told me that I had lupus, I immediately told my brain that that was simply the conclusion that the doctors made given the test results however doctors are human and therefore can be wrong. I cannot say this enough - regardless of what the doctors tell you, DO NOT identify with your diagnosis. Do your best to distance yourself from it. The best way I found to do this was to disconnect from my body. I had to learn to see myself for who I really am rather than for what my body was. I had to realize that I was not my body - that what made me me, was not dependent on my body. That even with a body that may not be functioning at optimal health, I was still the smart, vibrate, fun, caring person I was before this disease struck. I began to see myself completely separate from my body. I began to understand that my body was just a vessel that I was using at the moment and that my body, NOT me had been diagnosed with lupus. It's not a new idea that "thoughts become things" and that "what you think about you bring about". So if someone whose body is not at optimal health still thinks and feels like the incredible spark of light from Creator that they are, then that is what they will continue to be. You only have to do a little research to see that there is a ton of information out there about how your thoughts affect your life and how you are actually the creator of your life - all of those people can't be wrong! Interestingly enough, the predominant thing that I became aware of when I started to research lupus was the 'battle approach' that some people took. That approach didn't resonate well with me and here's why. The more you struggle and fight against something, the more struggle and fight you'll get. I firmly believe that what you think about, what you hold in your mind and in your vibration is what reflects back to you in life. Therefore it stands to reason that if you wake up every morning expecting to struggle, you will in fact be given things to struggle against. With this in mind, I had to wrap my head around not fighting lupus, not struggling to accomplish basic daily routines and not being able to work any of the 3 jobs that I currently held (a necessity as a single mom of 4 boys). That doesn't mean that I embraced being bed-ridden or wheelchair bound, rather I did my best to ignore the lupus and focus on what was working for me. I took time everyday to be grateful for what was going right in my life and pondered how best to use this time of reflection that was forced upon me. I figured there must be a lesson in there somewhere and decided to figure it out so that I could more on with my life. First things first, start lifting your mood, increasing your vibration, removing the black cloud above your head - whatever you want to call it - just do it! Music is a wonderful way to start to transition out of any negative, heavy space that you may find yourself in. Find a song or artist that speaks to you and blast that music everyday! My personal anthem during the last year was Jason Mraz's song 3 Things. I love, love, love this song! I find it very hard not to be encouraged and even pumped up that everything will be better when I listen to this song. If it's too much for you to ignore your symptoms and the ramifications of them, try going to bed at night remembering all the blessings you've been given and immediately as you wake in the morning write your list of 10 things that you're grateful for. This will trick your mind into being in a better place and refocuses it on the positive. Do this faithfully for a month and watch how your life will shift from seeing only pain, sorrow and loss to being in a happier lighter state of mind.
Another way to disconnect from your symptoms and appreciate your body for whatever state that it is currently in is through Theta Healing. Theta Healing is a powerful way to change your beliefs and therefore your life! After just a few Theta Sessions I was able to make a clear distinction between lupus/lupus nephritis and who I really was. Join me on my webinar: www.ultimatehealingcanada.com/webinars.html
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Connie KowalskiThe doctor's say I have lupus & stage IV lupus nephritis - I beg to differ! Archives
July 2015